Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Trampoline Family Fun!

Tonight was an absolutely GORGEOUS evening, and we just had to enjoy the weather by being outside. I love these peeks of summertime hidden between the blustery days and the rainy days of spring.

As you may have already guessed, before we knew it the whole family was piled onto the trampoline and Kevin pulled out our camera and our new wide angle lens. Kevin and I swapped turns behind the camera and everyone had a blast showing off and performing. Even Lanie got in on the action! :) Check out our fun and funky images . . .


Francis said...

Those are so great! We love the trampoline too although Im afraid I don't have any cool tricks like you do! :-)

Elizabeth said...

Geez! You can do almost a full splits ;)

Michael B said...

lol wow heather flexible!